Lead Funnels Review 2024 | Best Guide For Lead Generation‎

Published On: November 5, 2019|By |14.1 min read|
Lead Funnels Review

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If we do not review the lead funnels review, it will be a great injustice to the funnel marketers. As we update on the latest issues of funnel marketing, it is quite unfair not to review such a book. That is why we will review Lead Funnels without forgetting our responsibility.

Russell Brunson has always wanted to help to educate funnel marketers. That is why new books from Clickfunnels come out with different techniques at regular intervals. These books contain a lot of advice on tactics, whose latest addition is a book called Lead Funnels.

However, many still remain unaware of this new book. We will present you with the full scope of this book. Who is the author of this book, what was the purpose behind, what can be learned from the book etc. will not be left out from our reviews.

So those who want to know more about the lead funnels book, patiently start reading our review.

Lead Funnels Overview

Name: Lead Funnels
Author: Russell Brunson
Website: https://leadfunnels.com
Format: Pdf
Upsell: One Funnel Away (physical + Digital) and Video lead funnels live training.
Money Back Guarantee: 30 days

What Is Lead Funnels?

What Is Lead Funnels

Lead Funnels is actually a book on funnel marketing published by ClickFunnels. Many people may think of the name as a new funnel.

Not really. Rather a great book on the Complete Funnel. But for those looking for a new funnel idea, there is nothing to be disappointed about. As it has 114 proven lead funnels that will help your business thrive.

The book has a total of 172 pages. So you can understand that there is a lot of discussion about funnels. Many of the earlier tactics are not applicable to modern marketing. In this book, you will find the latest Proven formula. In addition, it discusses many secrets that you will not find anywhere else.

This book describes funnel marketing for everyone in simple terms. The price of the book is within reach. We hope everyone understands what the lead funnels are. It will teach you funnel marketing like a mentor.


Who is behind Lead Funnels?

Now it is known what Lead funnels are, but you may be wondering who wrote this excellent book? Whose valuable labor is behind this? Lead Funnels is written by ClickFunnels Founder Russell Brunson.

Hopefully, everyone knows who he is, how much he knows about it. What should We say new about Russell Brunson? You can search Google by writing Russell Brunson. Then you will get detailed information about him.

For the benefit of funnel marketers, he created a great software called ClickFunnels. With this software, you can create a complete sales funnel. This is not his first work writing a book on funnels.

Before that, he had written several books and made quite a few responses. Especially Dotcom Secrets, Funnel Hacker cookbook book got huge popularity.

He also did a number of webinar seminars on funnel topics. By creating software and plugins, he made funnel marketer’s job easier. It is said that he earns 1 million dollars from a webinar. You can think of yourself as lucky when you can learn funnel marketing by reading such a person’s book.

What Is Lead Generation, and Why Is It Important?

Lead generation basically means creating a sales channel. Lead generation is a trading system where you can get people’s email, phone numbers, or personal information. It may be by exchanging something or by solving a problem.

Products are not sold in lead generation. The main purpose of this is to collect leads. The more personal information you can gather from people, the more sales potential you have.

In simple terms, lead generation is to facilitate sales paths so that products can be easily reached to the target customer. At present, the main component of funnel marketing is lead generation. If you do not have a lead, you can do nothing by creating a sales funnel. Hopefully, you have already understood what the lead generation is.

But it is still not clear why this is so important in funnel marketing. Let me clear it. Suppose you want to trek through the forest. What you do is make a path with a stick so that the trees do not stand in your way.

That means you are making a way before going. Now, if you didn’t make it this way, you would face huge obstacles. Shrubs, tree trunks, and more will make your path uneven.

Now you must have realized the importance of making way before you walk. Lead generation is as well as important in funnel marketing. If you do not generate a sales channel information lead here, you can do nothing by creating a sales funnel.

Without an estimate, the marketing will not make any profit. On the other hand, nothing will be sold, and money will be wasted on the campaign. If you want to sell a laptop to a farmer, it is normal that he will not buy it.

Before selling anything, you must generate leads. Then you will get an accurate result from it. We hope you understand the importance of it. Everybody can find out more about this by collecting the Lead Funnels book.

Proper lead generation will bring you desired sales because lead generation is done based on a particular interest.

What’s included in Lead Funnels?

There are many things about funnel marketing the lead book. The book has 172 pages with three chapters. This ebook contains special instructions of 114 proven funnels.

A young funnel marketer can also gather experience by reading this book. It is equally applicable to the young and the old one. Let us give you some idea of what is included in the book.

Chapter 1: Lead Funnel History

The first chapter of the book discusses the basics at once. Here is a detailed history of lead generation. It contains various methods and generation of lead collection. If you want to know the lead funnel history, read the first chapter.

Russell Brunson very accurately chronicles its history. When will the lead funnel take place, the significance of it, etc. you will know everything.

The point is that you don’t have to read any more books to know the history of the lead funnel if you read this chapter. Everything will come alive in front of you in Rusell Brunson’s candid presentation.

It will seem to you like everything is happening right in front of your own eyes. And you will know the vast history that lies behind it.

Chapter 2: Lead Funnel Strategy

Lead Funnel Strategy

The second chapter will appear in front of you when you read the first chapter. It is originally organized with a lead funnel strategy. Here’s a talk about Lead Generation Strategy in Your Business.

In particular, instructions on how to convert in leads into Crucial Moment are given. Most marketers fail due to a lack of proper strategy. Even though you have to apply the strategy yourself, knowing the basics will help you to strategize better. By applying the leadership strategy discussed in this book to your business, you can easily succeed.

The lead generation strategy has several components. They are

  • Lead magnet
  • Landing page
  • Capture form / email opt-in form
  • Thank-you page

Every component here must be forwarded. If any of this is missing, it won’t take long for your business to sink. Therefore, it is necessary to apply these knowingly.

If you do everything correctly, you will find success easily. Your strategy will give you a lot of lead collection. The more leads, the more sales potential.

Chapter 3: Lead Funnel Implementation

Lead Funnel Implementation

In the second chapter, you learn about the structure, and technique of the lead funnel. You could even learn how to do it. Now you have to apply it to your business in real.

Russell Brunson arranged the third chapter with the implementation of the lead funnel. Here he shows how to create a lead funnel successfully.

Due to a lack of proper guidelines in terms of implements, many people are missing out on funnel marketing. Everything has to be calculated. And that’s why the newcomers get lost for their lack of guidance. Russell Branson has shown the implantation system very well so that no one gets lost because of these mistakes.

Having a simple guideline will allow anyone to implement lead funnel in their business. It will generate a lot of leads. At next, you will be able to sell related products by email marketing with this.

Russell Brunson has shown everything step-by-step so that you don’t do anything wrong. You can successfully create a lead funnel if you follow each of his steps. This will create a lot of interest among the customer.

As a result, he will give you his personal information at his own will. Through this chapter, he concludes the book.

The Lead Funnel Swipe File

The main attraction of the lead funnel book is the swap file because it has 114 Proven Lead Funnels. You should buy this book, even if only for them. If you buy the book, you will get the swap file for free. Then each Proven Lead funnel will be opened in front of you.

Using these funnels, Russell Brunson himself has been quite successful. That is why he urges all to follow these methods. He would never recommend it to others unless he himself succeeded. If you want, you can use these Proven Sales Funnels by keeping them original. Once again, you can modify them in your own way.

However, our advice is to mix. In that case, Russell Brunson’s idea will be involved, whereas something your own will be added. The combined strategy of you and Russell Brunson will generate a good amount of leads.

In addition to the lead funnel, there will be more things in the swap file that will increase your lead but not reduce it. If you do not want to lose such an opportunity, buy the book for only 7 dollars.

Instant Download Access to The Lead Funnels Swipe File>>>

Who are Lead Funnels for?

Lead funnels are not actually written for a specific category of people. It is designed for people of all levels. Russell Brunson doesn’t want his knowledge to be limited to some people. So this book is written for funnel marketers of all categories.

But for those who want to generate more leads in their business, this book is helpful for them. Email marketers, digital marketers, funnel marketers can also learn a lot from the book. From this book, anyone will find a helpful guideline on his business about lead generation.

Lead Funnels Pricing

You may think that this book will be out of reach, so you can not buy it. You are suffering in vain. Trust me – it is the least expensive product of ClickFunnels.

Russell Brunson priced this ebook for only 7 dollars. Since being an eBook, there is no delivery charge at all. You can get this wonderful book for only 7 dollars.

So without any delay, order your copy today. Otherwise, later download links may have problems, or the price may increase.


Order Bump: Behind the Curtain Training by Russell Brunson ($ 37) 

Lead Funnels

Russell Brunson has added another video with this book called Order Bump. Actually, this is a video session of the original lead funnel book.

In the video, Russell Brunson opens up about the lead funnels book. After listening to his talk, if you have any confusion in your mind, it will also go away. As a bonus, you will get 30 pre-designed share funnel templates. These templates are tested, so lead generation will be more.

Upsell: One Funnel Away Challenge ($ 100) 

One Funnel Away Challenge

Another great video training by Russell Brunson is The One Funnel Away Challenge. Here, he will teach you step-by-step how to create funnels in 30 days. The first day will take you from the basics to the final steps in the last 30 days through live training.

This is what you will learn from this training section-

  • Russell Brunson: who will teach you new videos created, designed, and structured for this challenge. It will lay down a solid foundation, so you can master your core fundamentals and tactics behind your 30-day plan.
  • Julie Stoian: who will teach you through the course of turning your customized 30-day plan into an actual funnel that is effective.
  • Steve J. Larsen: who will guide you through live group calls every single day. You can answer your questions whenever you need additional help in completing your daily tasks.

Click here to Visit Official Website of OFA Challenge >>>

Downsell: Digital version of OFA Challenge ($ 47)

OFA Challenge

You can also take the One Fannel Away Challenge as a downsell. If your budget is tight, you can run its online version. Then your cost will be reduced by 53% to just only 47 dollars.

If you would like to get the digital version of OneFunnel Away, visit now. Almost the same courses are gotten less than half the cost. So buy it without delay.

Lead Funnels Review: Pros And Cons


  • Everything you need to know about lead generation is summarized perfectly.
  • Extremely cheap despite how valuable it is.
  • Includes proven high-converting lead funnels.
  • It delivers what it promises.
  • The funnels can be used as it is, or it can be revised and created on your own


  • Seamless order bumps with live videos have been added to live video training. There was no need for it. For which the customer will have to pay 37 dollars more. This may seem unnecessary to many people.

Final Thoughts

Russell Brunson’s new book means the opening of a new door of possibility because he is the first to come up with the latest tactics. The number of marketers who succeed by following his method is immense.

By writing the lead funnel book, he once again unveils his knowledge of the sea. Marketers from all levels will benefit from reading this book. With lead generation, he presents everything so beautifully that everybody can implement it.

He also explained step by step how to implement a lead funnel. We hope you enjoyed our lead funnels review. So buy the book for only 7 dollars and use it in your business. We believe that these 7 dollars will become 7000 dollars at a time.

Lead Funnels FAQs

1. Why Do You Need Sales Funnels Anyways?

Ans: Sales funnels are an amazing way to get more customers and make more money. They help you turn cold traffic into warm leads, which can then be turned into paying customers by following a pre-defined funnel.

2. Do Lead Funnels Have a Guarantee?

Ans: Yes! There’s a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee. So you can request a refund within that time period if needed.

3. How Many Share Funnels Does Lead Funnels Come With?

Ans: When you purchase the order bump, 30 share funnels will be automatically imported into your account.

4. Can I Already Promote Lead Funnels if I’m a Click Funnels Affiliate?

Ans: Yes, you can. Go to your affiliate dashboard and click “Affiliate Tools” from the navigation menu.



About the Author: Ashraful Islam

Ashraful Islam is the founder of Pro Funnel Builder, a blog in which he shares his passion for sales funnel, lead generation, and digital marketing. He also documents what he learns to help others avoid making costly mistakes that he's made - saving money!