Webinar Funnel: Best Way To Convert Warm Traffic to Sales

Published On: November 25, 2019|By |14.5 min read|
Webinar Funnel

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One of the most established funnels is the webinar funnel. The success rate from the webinar funnel is much higher. If you are an Author or Consultant, the best thing for you to do is selling a product through the webinar funnel. This is because you can easily do this through the webinar funnel.

Russell Brunson often creates webinar funnels on various topics. From his single funnel, about a million dollars is sold.

There is a lot you need to know to make the webinar program work well. When it comes to understanding A to Z, you don’t have to look back. Even if you are ignorant about this, you can gain a lot of knowledge by reading our reviews.

We want to spread the idea of funnel marketing to everyone. So today we will present a detailed tutorial on the webinar funnel in front of you.

Let’s see what can be learned by reading the tutorial.

What Is a Webinar Funnel?

What Is a Webinar Funnel

If you have an idea of a webinar, you can easily understand what thing is the webinar funnel. Your job is to take fees from people through live training that is called a webinar funnel in the language of marketing. There are two steps here. At the first stage, the visitor will register for your course lecture, the seminar for viewing.

In the second step, you will tell them everything through a webinar. Webinars are extremely promising for those who take courses. People are earning millions of dollars by doing courses online.

If you have a strong fan base then you can create a webinar funnel. Here you are getting payment before serving.

Simply put, the webinar funnel is an online training, course, lecture, or solution to a problem by showing what you can earn. You will be marketing by setting up the session beforehand. You will open scheduled sessions for registered members on certain days.

Creating a 7 Figure Business in The Next 12 Months with Webinar Funnel

It is also possible to make millions of dollars through a webinar funnel. This may sound unrealistic to the young. But that’s what Russell Brunson did. If you are starting a webinar today, it is possible for you to convert to the 7 figure business in the next 12 months.

In this case, you have to be a little tactical, be a strategy maker. You should work on a goal in your business for 12 months. If you work hard, you will catch succeed.

Webinar Funnel

You can take courses or read books on funnels by Russell Brunson for quick success. In particular, the Dotcom Secret book is extraordinary. You can also take part in his live funnel. Many funnels have the opportunity to participate free of cost.

To do a webinar you need to be proficient in one of the topics. When people understand the value of your skills, you will get so many visitors that you will not be able to handle them easily.

Why Should You Have a Webinar Funnel?

Why Webinar Funnel

It is ridiculous to ask why you would use the webinar funnel. Rather, you should say why not use it? You can earn a lot of money from the webinar funnel.

All the webinar visitors are paid because they are coming to your webinar session to take the training. That is why they have to pay to get a ticket. No matter what are the reasons for you to use the webinar, those are mentioned below.

  • In Ecommerce Product: Many people feel that the webinar does not fit into the eCommerce product. That’s a misconception. In eCommerce, it does not work in all products but in many products. If you are selling a product online that requires training then you can do a session on the webinar. A lot of visitors will come to your webinar to take training in your product.
  • In Professional Service: The webinar funnel fits very well for professional services. Suppose you train online with affiliate marketing. One will have to pay a certain fee to attend your course. People will participate in your course by booking a ticket. In this way, you can create a webinar funnel for any course. You will get pretty good results.
  • In-Network Marketing: You can do a perfect webinar on Network Marketing. In this case, everyone will attend the webinar to hear from you about different tips on network marketing. That’s what Russell Brunson does. Thousands of visitors take part in his webinar. Perfect webinars can possibly earn you $1 million a day.

How to Use the Webinar Funnel in Your Business?

Webinar funnels, in fact, can be used with any business. You can easily do this. We will tell you the application system separately in different businesses based on different categories. Here we have mentioned how to use the webinar funnel in what kind of business.

Its Use in Authorship Business

You can easily make a free offer since such a product is your own. You can say everyone that they need to attend your webinar to get your product offer. But then you will be very busy in selling a lot.

So you should set a limit for the free offer. Customers will only be able to attend the webinar if they subscribe. Give a demo of some of your exclusive products with the sample you send for free.

There will be some up sale from there because many people will want to read the original book by reading the demo. Then you can sell it without a discount.

In that way, if you give a free sample to 100 people, then 50 people will buy your demo-provided books. This funnel does a lot in the authorship business.

Its use in eCommerce business

In this case, you can give a discount on some of your products. The condition is that those who attend the webinar will only get the product at a discount.  Who does not want to get a discount on exclusive products?

In this way, you will get a lot of audience for the webinar. Apart from discount products from webinars, you can also sell many products because everyone is listening to you attentively.

You will trap them in the magic of your words and sell product sales. It is best for the eCommerce business not to put the course fee on the webinar because no one will go to the webinar by spending money to get a discount.

Keeping these things in mind, you can get a lot of up sales and down sales if you can decorate a webinar nicely. Those who think this funnel does not work in eCommerce business are absolutely living in the heaven of fools.

Its Use in Business to Business

Business to business is the platform for wholesale business people. Everything here is sold in bulk amount. So you can give one free product per webinar to every customer.

In this case, you can choose different types of low price products because it costs a lot to pay for samples. Now suppose you will sell the laptop’s WiFi adapter. So you can offer a free WiFi adapter to all one by one if they attend your webinar.

Then when the webinar starts you will talk about other parts of the laptop. Your visitors are the ones who sell computer accessories.

Since everyone is taking samples, anybody will order the bulk amount of it because if your product is good, everyone will want to buy it usually. You should create an opt-in page with good quality products and give the offer.

Its use in affiliate marketing

If you want to use this funnel in affiliate marketing, it will be best to train on this because all want to learn about affiliate. But it is not possible for many to learn affiliate due to not being able to find out a good instructor. So you can train by making small sessions on webinars. You can take a full course fee at one time. Then there will be plenty of audience in your live streaming daily.

If you can train the students correctly, they will send many to you for reference. Besides, you can set up a commission for them so that if anyone can bring a new trainee, he or she will get a commission.

Here you will get the benefit and your students will also get the benefit as well. Training through live webinars is a current trend. You will get the proof of that if you look at Udemy.

Its Use in Professional Service Business

It can be used easily in a professional service business. Because you are in a professional business, there is no investment in the product. You can provide your service to thousands of people for free. Suppose you are a lawyer.

You can offer a service online if you want. You can announce if anyone would like to get live legal aid then he or she needs to attend your webinar. Then people will come in groups to attend your webinar because many people do not get the right legal help.

Then you will play the real game. Offer a legal support package directly to the webinar. As the upsell, you can add more premium-level legal services to that. Then those who are not satisfied with the free package will convert to the premium package.

The trial version of the companies is also a kind of tripwire funnel. One of the businesses that can be applied without loss in this funnel is Professional Business.

Its use in the retail business

In the retail business, the funnel is quite suitable. You can have a webinar with your product. You can give offers to live or explain the quality of your product or give them a tutorial on how to use it properly. For example, suppose you will do a webinar with a beauty product for girls.

The content of your discussion will be how to use this beauty cream to get more perfect results. The girls will then attend your webinar for a good performance. And then you can tell in the webinar that if they use another cream with this product, then they will get a perfect result.

You are done and you will get a lot of sales from there because girls never want to be ugly. In this way, you can create a webinar on any product strategically.

What Do I Start with When Making a Webinar?

If you plan to do a webinar after reading all this, you can imagine how to get started. What should you do at the beginning? The answer is simple. 90% of people use webinars with the perfect webinar scripts.

This is a great script and job of which is to help you create the Webinar Funnel. It’s just a script but you have to try it out perfectly.

This is the perfect webinar script behind many successful funnels. This will give you a great boost psychologically. To set up a webinar you have to understand that you did not come to be a teacher of the webinar. Rather, you have come to sell products.

So to do this you need to follow a few more steps. We will now refer to them one by one.

Where to Start Pricing on A Webinar?

Many people are hesitant about how much price a webinar should start with. Since you are a beginner marketer, you can set a webinar fee of $3-5. Each register will have to pay this fee to attend your webinar.

But keep in mind how much you spend. If you get 100 registered candidates for $3 a week then your monthly subscription will be 400.

Thus, $1200 will come out. So you should concentrate on quantity instead of increasing the price. A lot may come from a webinar ticket than what you will spend through advertisement.

If your spending is more than earning then you have to realize:

  • That your landing page isn’t right.
  • Your message isn’t interesting.
  • Or you’re targeting just the wrong people.
  • Something else is wrong.

How to Create Webinar Funnel?

But the question is how to create a webinar funnel. How to make more people register? Yes, now we will write about that mechanic. First, you have to create a registration page that will interest people. Remember that no one will participate in your webinar unless you make them curious.

You can give free items to the webinars by rotation. For example, if someone wants to get ClickFunnel for free for 2 weeks then he or she needs to register to participate in your webinar.

Many people will register on the webinar to get the ClickFunnel free. When you start a live webinar, you will convince people to buy the paid version of ClickFunnels. In this way, any product with attractive headings should create interest among all.

If you give an eye-catching heading, people will show a lot of interest. You will sell the product through the webinar with this opportunity of interest.

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What to Do with The Thank You Page?

You have created interest among everyone to the registration page but you may not know what to do on the Thank You page. Here, after saying thank you to everyone, you can ask them to wait to take part in the webinar.

You can also arrange for up-sell and down-sell. The point is that you have to sell to the registrant. You should make them interested in other services. Then start the webinar on certain days.

Many people do upsell through the thank you page. For example, after checkout, you can link to more webinars related to this.

The Indoctrination Page

Indoctrination pages basically refer to the pages between registration and the beginning of the webinar. People usually do webinars on weekends. But we suggest you do it in the middle of the week. If a visitor comes to the site later, he or she may also want to know the schedule of the webinar.

What to Do when The Webinar Comes?

Finally, you will do a webinar with many registrants. When the webinar time comes on, then make your event live. The audience is eagerly waiting to hear your session.

In the beginning, give them an introductory statement about yourself. Then discuss the topic that the webinar did. Explain how the participants will benefit from this webinar, the impact on their lives.

If you can win the hearts of the audience then you can sell many products outside of your service. Finally, end your live webinar by thanking everyone. And yes, you can have the question-answer session in between.

In this, everyone will get answers to the questions they have in their minds.

Perfect Webinar Scripts and Training

Perfect Webinar Scripts

Hopefully, you have got the basic ideas for the webinar already. Since you have learned so much, you have to work a little harder and learn the rest directly from Russell Brunson. To do this you need to subscribe to the Perfect Webinar and take the training.

You will get the perfect webinar with just a $5 shipping fee. If you do not want to miss this opportunity, make a collection of perfect webinars today.

From there you can take the training. The perfect webinar can find you many unknown secrets which will help you boost your funnel marketing.

Russell Brunson offers many of his premium courses for free because he wants everyone to be self-reliant by teaching funnel marketing. If you want to be perfect in the webinar then spend only $5 to collect perfect webinars.

Get Your Free Perfect Webinar Script and Training Now!

About the Author: Ashraful Islam

Ashraful Islam is the founder of Pro Funnel Builder, a blog in which he shares his passion for sales funnel, lead generation, and digital marketing. He also documents what he learns to help others avoid making costly mistakes that he's made - saving money!