How to Start with Sales Funnels: Ultimate ClickFunnels Guide

Published On: April 13, 2024|By |14.2 min read|

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Probably you have heard the term sales funnel but how to start with sales funnels will always be a staggering question in your mind unless you know the smallest detail about it.

Just knowing about the sales funnel and having proper knowledge and implementation capability is completely different.

What we will do in this article is make you an expert in the field of the sales funnel and you will get a complete idea of how to start with sales funnels. This article will cover a bunch of things so buckle up and be ready for the information to intake.

We will also guide you about some small topics which you might know beforehand but it is necessary to make you completely aware of those details so that you can properly know how to start with sales funnels.

After you have completed this article, you will feel the learning inside. Let’s get started.

What Is a Sales Funnel?

You might see a small tool called a funnel in real life. What does it do? It guides substances to go into a narrow path or here you can say a directed path. A sales funnel does the same, but it only works in terms of business.

Assume that you have a product or service to sell. But who will be the customers? Why they will rely on you with their money? Why they will buy again and again? Is every audience a customer? You never know.

Here sales funnels come into play. A sales funnel directs your target audiences into your designed path so that they come to you and buy your product or service. Sales funnel is now a widely accepted marketing strategy that works for almost every business you can think of.

Sales Funnels are divided into four steps. They are Awareness, Interest, Decision, and Action. In each step, the sales funnel guides your target audiences to narrow down their choices, and finally, they make a buy from you.

It is not the end. You must continue to fill their latest cravings so that they come to you again and you can make unlimited revenue.

How Can I Build One?

A sales funnel is easy to understand but when it comes to making one, it might be quite difficult for many of you. The first thing that comes to mind after thinking about how to start with sales funnels is how to build one. If we throw the question at you, how will you respond?

Different people will have different opinions. Some of them would say that you need to know coding to make a sales funnel. Some of them would say that you need to learn web design or something.

Are they true? Is it what is needed to make a sales funnel? Well, the answer is a bit complex. People in previous years used to make sales funnels in these ways.

It was extremely difficult for a beginner who has just started a business with zero technical knowledge to design a responsive sales funnel. They had to depend on the experts which was time-consuming and expensive.

But at this time, making a sales funnel is as easy as posting something on social media. The revolution started back in 2014 when Russel Brunson and his team started a software called ClickFunnels. This has completely changed the process of building sales funnels.

With this tool in hand, you can make your desired sales funnel for any kind of business in just a few clicks. It is that easy.

You will never need to know coding or web design again to make a sales funnel. If you are already using sales funnel or going to make one, thank this man for his awesome creation.

Why Use ClickFunnels?

ClickFunnels is not the only funnel-building tool in the market. After ClickFunnels, many ventures come up with their distinct tools to create this marketing sector more user-friendly. But why we are talking about ClickFunnels? Why they are different from the others? We will find out soon.

As they were first in class, they have shown the way how far marketing can go. Nowadays, many funnel-building tools are available but none of them come close to ClickFunnels in terms of anything.

If you talk about features, ClickFunnels has a ton of them inside. Any feature you can imagine is present in their sleeves. This makes them stand out from the crowd. No one offers as much as they do.

This is one of the vital reasons to start with ClickFunnels. As they are the leader in this sector, they have a huge following since the time they started.

They have over 100,000 active members by now. This is only the number of paid users. They are also serving millions of people in a way that you can never understand if you don’t start with them.

Some other software requires additional technical knowledge to operate but ClickFunnels is mostly for beginners. Whenever you want to start making sales funnels, you can do it with ClickFunnels as they offer some unique features like drag and drop builder.

There is an endless number of things that give them points but it will be quite boring for you to read them forever. You better earn the experience yourself.

How Much Are People Making with ClickFunnels?

Well, the answer to this question depends on you. The question should be how much money do you want to make with ClickFunnels? The possibilities are unlimited. Let us show you some examples.

Did you hear the term ‘2 Comma Club? It is an award that is given to people who have completed a total sale of $10,000,000 with ClickFunnels. Does that sound unbelievable?

It is true that over 150 people have already won this award which means they have already made this amount of money by now. And they are still making money with ClickFunnels.

There is another exciting offer with ClickFunnels where you can get your dream car in their affiliate program. You have to refer a certain number of members to ClickFunnels to qualify in this contest and get your dream car.

Many people already won theirs and you are still sitting idly thinking about it. If you ask, why is not everyone making the same amount? The answer to this question also lies in you.

While others are working hard to meet their targets and make their dream true, you are just doing nothing to be successful? Should you earn that money? Ask yourself and get up. Start working today if you also want to make more money than theirs.

Creating Your First Funnel

You are probably thinking about how to start with sales funnels and how to build your first funnel. It is a few steps away from you and we are happy to share those steps so that you make it right.

If you want to make the best sales funnel for your business, make sure you follow along. Let’s get right into it.

Starting the Funnel

We will discuss it in some simple steps.

  • Once you have subscribed to ClickFunnels, open your ClickFunnels Dashboard.
  • Click on the ClickFunnels tab and select Build Funnel.
  • You will see two options called CookBook Builder Process and Classic Funnel Builder. Click on ‘Create New Funnel’ to start with the Classic Funnel Builder.
  • You will be directed to a page to choose your goal. You have to choose the option you are working on. It can be anything like Collect Emails, Sell Your Product, Host Webinar and so on.
  • After you have chosen the goal of your funnel, give it a name and select group tags.
  • Click on the ‘Build Funnels’ button and boom! You are done with making your first sales funnel.

Choosing A Template

Wait! Your sales funnel will look no better than trash if you leave it in this condition.

You need to customize its design so that it looks more attractive. The question arises again. Do you need any external tools to customize the design?

The answer is no. You get everything inside your ClickFunnels subscription. One of their amazing features is the template library where you get a wide variety of pre-built templates to choose from. There are several types of templates for any business you can think of.

Your job is to choose the best template that will serve your purpose. After you have chosen one, the template will load with your funnel and you will find the page editor button. Click on the ‘Edit Page’ and the page editor will start.

This is the most fun part of building a sales funnel where you get the chance to organize the page element as per your decision.

You can choose from a variety of colors, fonts, and effects to change. Another strong feature of ClickFunnels is their drag and drop editor which allows you to drag any page element and place them where you need.

This makes editing of your landing pages extremely easy and personalized where your landing page will look only like yours, not like anyone else’s. Do try it and you will also find it interesting.

Related Post: Best Clickfunnels Templates


Finishing Touches

There are still a few things that you need to check whether they are working properly or not. You will find them under the Settings menu.

Email Integration Settings

One of the important settings of your funnel is to integrate with an email autoresponder.

Though ClickFunnels have their own autoresponder called Actionetics, you can also integrate your funnel with third party email autoresponders.

Go to Integrations under the Settings menu and you will find the options to integrate your email autoresponder with your new build sales funnel.

SEO Meta Data

SEO or Search Engine Optimization refers to the rank of anything when it comes to a Google search. If your rank is higher in Google search, it will be seen by more people.

You can go to the SEO Meta Data tab under the Settings menu to customize your title, descriptions, keywords, etc.

Recommended Training

ClickFunnels offers a lot of training of different types. You can join any one of them. Here are some of them which are extremely useful.

Funnel Builder Secrets

It is the most lucrative training from ClickFunnels where you get to know each and every detail about how to get successful with ClickFunnels and how to create and manage your sales funnels for a lifetime.

Upgrade to Funnel Builder Secrets Today

Affiliate Bootcamp

This is an extraordinary training for those who are willing to work as ClickFunnels affiliate. It is worth mentioning that this training is completely free of cost.

Affiliate Bootcamp Work


One Funnel Away Challenge

It is for the beginners who are just starting on their way and don’t want to spend much.

This training will help them to better understand the working process and they can join any other training in the future. Read review: One Funnel Away Challenge

One Funnel Away Challenge

Register for the One Funnel Away Challenge Today!

Are There Any Discounts or Bonuses?

Yes, there is a bonus. If you want to get the most out of your ClickFunnels account, you need to upgrade to the platinum package where you get unlimited features and can make more than the others using the standard package.

The best bonus you can get inside this is the Funnel Builder Secrets. As we stated earlier, it is the best of the best training you will ever join.

It can train you in such a way that you will never need anything else to be successful. After all, it comes from the CEO and founder of ClickFunnels, Russel Brunson who himself is a leading marketer in the current world.

You will also get a discount when you buy the platinum package for a certain period of time, say one year.

It will cost you less than the regular price if you buy a subscription for a year at a time. This can be a good deal if you are willing to save some money.

ClickFunnels Bonus Offer

ClickFunnels offers a 14-day free trial so that you can test their features and cancel your subscription if it is not satisfactory. There are also a lot of bonuses inside your ClickFunnels account which are of great use.

We are going to introduce you to some of the bonuses you get when you subscribe to ClickFunnels.

Please take a look at the following.

  • ClickFunnels Bonus #1: Unlimited Email Support ($1,997 Value)
  • ClickFunnels Bonus #2: CF Share Funnel Library (997 Value)
  • ClickFunnels Bonus #3: Ultimate List of Lifetime Recurring Affiliate Programs ($497 Value)
  • ClickFunnels Bonus #4: Million Dollar Ad Swipe Library ($497 Value)
  • ClickFunnels Bonus #5: Complete FB Ads Blueprint ($297 Value)
  • ClickFunnels Bonus #6: Black Book of Top Solo Ad Vendors ($197 Value)
  • ClickFunnels Bonus #7: ClickMagic Quick-Start Guide ($97 Value)

And much more!

Get The Best Clickfunnels Bonuses!

Final Verdict

We hope you have got a clear idea about how to start with sales funnels. Remember one thing, if you don’t understand the process enough, you will not make it right. It is that important.

If you have the proper knowledge of making and managing a sales funnel, it is assumable that you will make the best out of your ClickFunnels account.

You might hear the proverb ‘Time is money’. The time you are wasting is the money you could make. We suggest you stop wasting time and jump right into making your first sales funnel once you have anything to sell.

About the Author: Masud Sarker Rana

Rana is a writer and researcher who loves to share his knowledge with the world. His focus is on web development, SEO, and digital marketing—as well as other related topics.