High-Ticket Funnel: How To Selling Online with $5000 /Sales

Published On: October 28, 2019|By |8.8 min read|

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High Ticket Funnel is now becoming quite a popular platform. With this system, you can sell many products. You will sell the latest product after giving them step by step solution. Since you are giving them the solution, they will believe what you say. The High Ticket Funnel is a great choice because anyone can join here.

This funnel marketing system, which is currently popular, is also very effective. You can easily sell your live product in this process. But to many, the High Ticket Funnel is still unclear. There is nothing to worry about. We will give you a detailed idea about this today. Its definition, how to use it in business, and how to solve problems will be covered in our discussion. So let’s learn the details of it.

What Is a High Ticket?

High Ticket is a process where you bring the customer to the site by offering to solve different problems. Then sell the product to him at one point, after providing the solution. High Ticket Funnel is popular because they convert the buyer from cold to warm traffic.

Suppose you have a problem which you cannot solve. You then search for a site and get the desired solution to your problem from there. You will then easily subscribe by mail if that site owner says you to subscribe to get a better article about your problem. If the author of that site recommends a product as a solution to your problem, you will even buy that product too.

And this is the High Ticket Funnel, which you have to complete by following various processes. Here, a product can be anything. Your goal may be to sell a lead collection or any physical product. Russell Branson earns a lot of money from the High Ticket Funnel in a single day. Hopefully, the High Ticket Funnel is cleared for everyone.

How Does This High Ticket Funnel Work?

You have to know how it works, to apply the High Ticket Funnel system. If you know the working process, you can use it properly. High Ticket Funnel operates in three steps. They are mentioned below:

  • The first step is where we refer to our visitors. It can be our third-party page or case study page. There is an Apply Now button here so that the visitor understands that he has to click to get it. The visitor is taken to the next step in this way. After visiting the page, the visitor gets a solution to his problem.
  • The second step will be to solve the problem. There should be a detailed solution to the problem so that the visitor understands after going through your tutorial. It’s not right to put anything unclear here, which might be difficult to understand for the visitor. You will conclude with a solution to the problem. The visitor will then know about your product.
  • And the last step is the homework page. For example, here you can give out the link to your next article, or a link to a product. If it is related to the visitor’s problem, then he will buy or subscribe to it. Thus, the end of the High Ticket Funnel is drawn through three pages.

If you set up the funnel to target the last step from the very beginning in High Ticket Funnel, then you will fail. You can’t drive direct traffic to high ticket traffic. You have to work here as a slow poison. As an example, if you gave a relevant solution on the ‘Thank You’ page, most of the traffic will follow it. For lead collection, you have to provide many solutions. Like: you can add to the latest, this product will work well for that problem. Then anyone will be tempted to buy that product.

How Do People Find Your High-Ticket Program?

How can people find your program in the High Ticket Funnel? Of course, you need to adopt a method that is easy for everyone to find and follow. To make the funnel successful, you can sell the product after establishing a sales funnel set up.

But after that sales, many people do not know whether the program or service can be sold to the same customer again. This is because many people think selling products is the ultimate success. But do you know that it is possible to sell more products to the visitor that you just sold?

Yes, that is only possible if you can employ tactics. Suppose you work with a computer problem for anyone. Someone’s wi-fi adapter is not working. So you sell the wi-fi adapter from your referral. Now you can add ‘check how to set up this adaptor on your computer,’ and on the Thank You page sell the adapter. And with the adapter setup, your tutorial will be paid but at a low price.

The visitor will then easily accept your offer. It’s a lot like the webinar funnel. Since the buyer has just purchased one of your products, he must be satisfied with your service. So it is easy to sell other products to him. By applying this technique, you can sell multiple products to the same buyer. And that is the fruition of the High Ticket Funnel.

Now We Talk About First Landing Page

A landing page is that page where a visitor comes at first. He comes to know your landing page from another medium. All internet marketers are keen to present their landing pages very well. The landing page is mainly an issue of discussion.

Here you can upload various solutions to the problem, free ebooks, newsletters, information-based articles, or video documentaries. Traffic will spend time on the landing page to find a solution to his problem or to know something. For example, if you give a documentary about the animals of the Amazon forest. The visitor will be watching that documentary with great interest.

Other than videos, you can submit documentaries through articles. Nothing suspicious can be placed on the landing page. If the information here is wrong, the visitor will never go to the next page. If successful on the landing page, the visitor will go to the next step.

What to Do on the Second Page of Your Funnel

Traffic will come from the landing page to the second page. On this page, you will solve the problems of the visitor. Solve it so that he doesn’t feel the need to find another tutorial. This page is very important for you. If you lose the visitor from here, you will face a great loss. Everything here needs to be done technically. Success on this page means your product is sold.

Customers may be scared to come to this page. Their worries have to be put to rest; only then you can successfully finish the funnel. After coming to this page, many internet marketers specify the categories. Since you are starting, you should sell the product to everyone without specifying. Then you can succeed. Everything on this page should be as the visitor wants.

Getting Them Indoctrinated with “your” World

Suppose you sell a service or tutorial through the High Ticket Funnel. Then you have to fill out an application form for your course. The visitor fills out your form with all the required information. Then you can give him a message saying,

‘Your application is pending. Within a short time, the application will be approved. Once it is approved, you can take part in the course. Please wait in the meanwhile. Our representative will contact you by phone. You will also receive a confirmation email.’

This is how you introduce the visitor to your courses. If one receives such a welcome message, anyone will think that your service is top class. Since the service is good, the course can be started here. You can welcome new subscribers in other ways. The main goal here is to inform the visitor about your service and provide a warm welcome.

What to Do When You Call Your Customer

When you make a confirmation call to the customer, you will ask him about various issues. Many buyers are impressed if they handled beautifully through a phone call. Then you can sell another service to him if you want. Through a call, you can ask if there is any problem if they have any questions about the service if there is a problem subscribing.

Other than that, you can highlight the details of your service through a phone call. Anyone should be satisfied with this. The whole point is to understand your world-class customer service. If the customer service is good, you don’t have to look back. The following are the most commonly asked questions by calling the customer.

Set Script:

  1. Question
  2. Blast
  3. Posture
  4. Probe
  5. Finding credit
  6. Commitment

Close Script:

  • Time
  • Decision making
  • Resources
  • Knowledge
  • What’s Included

Final Verdict

Many physical products are now sold with services on the Internet. People are making millions of dollars through services alone. If you want to start a service business, you need to find a problem at the beginning. Then you should sort the landing page with a beautiful solution to the problem. Then people will come to your site to get a solution.

You will come up with a solution to the problem and sell the product on the Thank You page. The name of this process is a funnel. In marketing terms, it is known as the high ticket funnel. Hopefully, everyone has got a detailed idea of how to apply in the high ticket funnel, how to keep the customer satisfied. So far, today. Next, we will come up with another funnel tutorial.

Frequently Asked Questions


About the Author: Ashraful Islam

Ashraful Islam is the founder of Pro Funnel Builder, a blog in which he shares his passion for sales funnel, lead generation, and digital marketing. He also documents what he learns to help others avoid making costly mistakes that he's made - saving money!