ClickFunnels Funnel Flix Review and Pricing In 2024

Published On: April 10, 2024|By |17 min read|
Funnel Flix Review

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If you are searching for an authentic Funnel Flix review online, then this Funnel Flix review can be your ultimate solution.

You might hear about Funnel Flix especially if you know about ClickFunnels, one of the leading funnel builder tools in the market.

We will discuss everything regarding Funnel Flix in this in-depth Funnel Flix review. We invite you to join us and continue reading to know all the features, pros, and cons of Funnel Flix. It will be an investment for your lifetime.

What if you are new to this sector? We will break down everything so that you can understand the core message clearly and it will help you to step ahead if you are willing to start a business or something. We will now directly head to our Funnel Flix review without any further due.

Let’s get started.

What Is ClickFunnels?

ClickFunnels Review

ClickFunnels is a funnel builder software that allows users to create their sales funnel at ease. It has some amazing features that no others have. You get a bunch of templates for your funnels for free. You can choose from a wide variety of templates according to your needs and preference.

It also has a drag and drop editor in which you can easily edit your funnels. Building a funnel was much harder before ClickFunnels as it requires much technical knowledge about website design or coding. But with ClickFunnels, it is as easy as surfing Facebook.

Anyone can now create their very first sales funnel without any technical knowledge using ClickFunnels. There are some more features like Actionetics and Backpack. Actionetics is ClickFunnels’ email autoresponder that is integrated with your account.

The backpack is an affiliate program where you get to earn referral commissions by promoting others’ products. It is a great way of passive income.

Not only this, but you also get to learn a lot of things inside ClickFunnels. They offer a variety of courses on marketing and other disciplines.

You can either choose to buy the courses separately or you can join Funnel Flix. What is that? Coming up next. Check it Out In-Depth Review: Clickfunnels Review


What Is Funnel Flix?

You can think of Funnel Flix as a storehouse of knowledge. Funnel Flix is an opportunity to get to learn all the necessary things in one place.

Where you would have to buy those courses separately and it would cost thousands of dollars, you can now afford them at a much less price and at your convenience.

Funnel Flix is a collection of lessons on different topics related to marketing. And the amazing thing is, you get access to Funnel Flix once you have joined the ClickFunnels Platinum plan.

You might already know about the pricing plans of ClickFunnels. There are two pricing plans. One of them is the Standard plan and the other is the Platinum plan. This Platinum plan costs $297 per month. But the good thing is you get full access to Funnel Flix.

Now, what can you do with Funnel Flix? If you are willing to grow your business online and start with ClickFunnels, it is extremely important for you to master all the basics of marketing. If you go somewhere else for these courses, you might spend thousands of dollars but get nothing.

Here you can learn all the basics of marketing from top experts in the world and you can implement this knowledge in your business that will take you further.

Try ClickFunnels & FunnelFlix

Funnel Flix Review: Who Should Get It?

There is no such limitation to getting access to Funnel Flix. If you are interested to learn with Funnel Flix, you can choose to join Funnel Flix anytime. But there is a catch. You can’t join Funnel Flix separately. Funnel Flix comes with the Platinum ClickFunnels Account.

So, you have to subscribe to the Platinum plan with ClickFunnels and only then you get access to Funnel Flix. Here is a simple trick for you. ClickFunnels offers a 14-day free trial and it won’t cost you just after registering.

You can choose to get a free trial for 14 days and if the contents are not up to your mark, you can cancel the subscription anytime.

What You’ll Find Inside the ClickFunnels FunnelFlix?

As we have already stated, you can Funnel Flix the Netflix of marketing. Like Netflix, it has a vast collection of video lessons that you can watch at your convenience.

We will now discuss the courses in brief that are inside Funnel Flix so that you get a clear idea about them. Let’s move on.

ClickFunnels FunnelFlix

Funnel Flix Courses

Here are some highlights from the top courses inside Funnel Flix that you are going to get after joining.

Tony Robbins Private Collection:

Funnel Flix Review

Tony Robbins is one of the highest paid speakers and speaks in different programs about success.

He is a marketing genius, author, and life coach. His motivational lessons will teach you how to overcome the hurdles in life to get success.

You get the collection of his presentations in various events, all in one place. It is a treasure for you if you can dig enough.

One Funnel Away Challenge:

Funnel Flix Review One Funnel Away Challenge is a challenge and training program at the same time that allows you to learn the basics of sales funnels and make you create the very first sales funnel of your own.

Funnel University:

It is not like your daily life at universities rather you can learn a lot about the funnels that are actually working in the business. You get to learn awesome strategies of successful funnels and you have the opportunity to use them yourself.

10X Secrets:

This is a course from the co-founder and CEO of ClickFunnels, Russell Brunson himself.

It will teach you how to create amazing offers for your prospective customers as the customers will be directed to sales based on your offer.

You get to know all the secrets behind a successful offer that converts traffic to your funnel.

Traffic Secrets:

This course has gained so much popularity that it is given almost with any plans. This looks like a compulsory course for anyone using ClickFunnels. But we say, whether you use ClickFunnels or not, you must take this course to generate more sales.

This course will teach you how to convert more traffic in different ways so that you can grow your income. You get this course inside Funnel Flix.

Jay Abraham: The Anthology:

He is a genius in marketing and a successful strategist. He will teach you awesome techniques for finding new ways to gain big profits and planning for long time success for your business.

He will also teach you how to manage everything with utmost control and precision.

The Warrior’s Way Doctrine:

This lesson will teach you solving the issues you are facing with your business from a different perspective. And you will learn to fight back in life. It will be a great lesson for the rest of your life.

The 30-Day Challenge:

This is basically a compilation of interviews from 30 marketing experts taken by Russell Brunson.

Russell has asked them what they would do if they had no wealth and what it takes to rise again from scratches.

This lesson will teach you how you can survive when the most devastating moments come. And how will you build everything all over again?

Affiliate Bootcamp:

Affiliate Bootcamp is one of the most popular programs from ClickFunnels. This is an in-depth training program that teaches you all the details of affiliate marketing with ClickFunnels.

You can join this program and promote other people’s products if you want passive income. And the referral commission rate is also very high with ClickFunnels.

That is why it is a good choice to join this program. Though this program is costlier alone, you can avail of this program inside Funnel Flix.


The e-commerce course will teach you all the basics of how the e-commerce industry is running and growing in the current world.

It will also teach you what are the things to be taken care of while planning or running an e-commerce business.

Brick and Mortar Course:

This unique name should remind you about a mortar that makes brick smaller. Similarly, smaller businesses also need some strategies and assistance.

You will everything to start up your small business and grow them.

Funnel Builder Secrets:

This is considered one of the most effective training when you start working with ClickFunnels.

Though it is easy to create a sales funnel, it is not always the same strategy that works.

In this video lesson, you will learn all the strategies to make your funnels work.

Russell Brunson will teach you everything from creating a sales funnel to optimizing it so that you can earn greater revenue.

Funnel Hacker TV:

The Funnel Hacker TV will focus on the life of funnel hackers and what they did to go to the current level.

You will experience ups and downs and their inspirational story will make you step out of your bed.

Funnel Hackathon:

Funnel Hackathon is a live training program that lasts for 3 days and Russell Brunson, co-founder, and CEO of ClickFunnels conducts this program.

You will learn to take your funnels to a whole new level in this live program and you will meet with many other funnel hackers from across the globe.

It will bring you a great opportunity to make your network stronger and share your ideas with people.

Ad Skills:

Paid advertising has become a great source of revenue for digital marketers. But if you don’t know the basics of paid advertising, you will fail to run different ad campaigns for your business.

In this course, you will master the skills of paid advertising with various video lessons, examples and many more.

Unlock the Secrets:

This is a course where you will learn to reveal the products that have been successful for a long time.

You will know the strategy of running a funnel with greater success.

Agora Financial Copywriting:

After so many things, when it comes to copywriting, most of the marketers seem to be indulgent in it.

But copywriting can take your sales funnels or marketing to a whole new level. Whenever you wish to start a business, you need copywriting.

From creating sales funnels to writing business emails, copywriting plays a vital role to match the pulse of your prospective audiences. If you can’t master the art of copywriting, it will be tough for you to get access to their minds.

That is why copywriting is considered as one of the basic skills for marketing. After watching this course, it will be easier for you to copywrite standard pieces of documents for your business.

Agora Financial Media Buying:

This course is more on the advanced side and you learn media buying, ads building, and other aspects of marketing inside this course.

Outsource Force:

When it comes to a business, you have different demands to be served. But it is not always easy for one to handle all the things. And one even can’t be a jack of all trades.

That is why sometimes you need to hire a workforce so that you can concentrate on other aspects.

This course will teach you how to save your time by outsourcing tasks that you are not capable of.

You can hire experts as there are many marketplaces nowadays. This course will also teach you ins and outs of hiring professionals and getting your work done by them.

Product Secrets:

This is a course that will help you to build your own product and sell it online. You will learn all the secrets of how to design a product and how to place it in front of the prospective customers that they will decide to buy it from you.

There are many more detail lessons inside Funnel Flix that you will discover after you join the program.

But for now, we will move on to our next topic of this Funnel Flix review which is the pricing plan for Funnel Flix subscription.

You will get to know all the details about ClickFunnels’ pricing and what you are offered at this price point.

ClickFunnels Pricing

ClickFunnels has two pricing plans in general. One is the Standard plan and the other is the Platinum plan. The Standard plan costs you $97 per month but the features in this plan are much more limited than the Platinum Plan.

On the other hand, the Platinum plan offers you some exclusive features that have no limit. We will now take a look at the features you get after joining the Platinum plan.

  • Share Funnels
  • Unlimited Funnels
  • Unlimited Landing Pages
  • 9 Payment Gateways
  • 9 Custom Domains
  • Unlimited Follow-Up Funnels
  • Priority Chat Support
  • Weekly Peer Review Hackathons
  • Funnel Hacker Forum
  • Funnel Flix

If you look at the features, you will see Funnel Flix on the list. What does it mean? It means Funnel Flix is not like other training programs to be bought separately. Once you join the Platinum plan with ClickFunnels, you are already eligible for this program.


Funnel Flix Review: Pros & Cons

No Funnel Flix review will be complete without the pros & cons of this program. So, we will now head to the pros and cons section and we suggest you read all the details.


  • Funnel Flix is completely free once you join the ClickFunnels Platinum plan.
  • You get a lot of courses in Funnel Flix that would cost thousands of dollars if they were bought separately.
  • Everything is inside your ClickFunnels account so you can avail them whenever you want.
  • You can learn and master so many marketing skills from top marketers in the world.


  • If you sign up for the ClickFunnels Standard Plan, you will not get access to all of the premium courses.
  • There is no way for signing up with Funnel Flix if you don’t have a ClickFunnels account.

As this program is free of cost, you might not get interested in the program.


We are going to finish our Funnel Flix review here but leaving the rest on you. Now it is your turn to choose what you should do. All the detailed information is here and you can look at them anytime. So, take your time and make the best decision for yourself.

This Funnel Flix review is going to be a complete guideline and it contains facts that you need to know before subscribing to any of ClickFunnels’ accounts. One sentence is enough to summarize this Funnels Flix review that Funnel Flix is a program that is going to change your perspective towards marketing.

Funnel Flix Review: FAQs

People often ask some questions frequently over the internet about this program. That is why we decided to answer some frequently asked questions about Funnel Flix. You can also check the answers if you are also thinking the same and want to know every detail of Funnel Flix. Let’s see.

1. What Is A Sales Funnel?

A Sales Funnel directs your prospective audiences into your pre-designed pathway, so they end up buying your product or service. It is more like a funnel in real life that we use to pour something liquid. A funnel has a wider top and a narrow bottom to guide the substance on the right path.

Whatever we pour into the funnel, it goes straight into the narrow path. Similarly, a sales funnel allows you to divert your customers into your directed path.

2. Can Funnel Flix Be Bought Separately from ClickFunnels?

The answer is no. You can’t buy Funnel Flix separately. And there is no distinct price point for this program. Though the courses inside this program cost thousands of dollars when bought separately, you get all these for free after joining ClickFunnels.

Once you join the ClickFunnels Platinum plan, you get all the courses inside your account, which is inside the cost of your regular Platinum subscription fee of $297 per month. There will be no hidden charges for this.

3. How Many Courses Are Inside Funnel Flix?

It depends on the type of your ClickFunnels account. If you join the ClickFunnels Platinum account, you will get access to more than 25 courses inside Funnel Flix. But if you join the Standard plan, you will get less compared to the Platinum account, and that is obvious. Courses inside Funnel Flix are increasing day by day, and you will always be updated to the latest courses inside Funnel Flix.

4. Is Funnel Flix Worth It?

From the above discussion, it should be very clear that Funnel Flix doesn’t cost you anything. If you don’t use Funnel Flix, even then, also you have to pay the regular subscription fee of the Platinum plan, which is $297 per month.

You get all these premium courses for free inside your Platinum account, so you have nothing to lose in this program. All you learn will be the resource for the rest of your life, and we can conclude that Funnel Flix is totally worth it.

About the Author: Masud Sarker Rana

Rana is a writer and researcher who loves to share his knowledge with the world. His focus is on web development, SEO, and digital marketing—as well as other related topics.